Los Angeles, CA 4/30/2007 8:25:00 PM
News / Kids

School Shootings Recommendations: Respect Citizen Authority.

Two wonderful models already exist as solutions to school shootings. If only officials would stop obfuscating them both.

Author and syndicated Columnist John Longenecker's latest piece addresses school shootings by citing two existing models most friendly to communities: citizen CPR, first-aid and the Heimlich Manuever, and concealed carry states where crime thinks twice before darkening the door, or carjacking or adbuction.

Longenecker points out distinct parallels between all three concepts when first responders cannot arrive in time. Longenecker asserts that citizen authority trumps adverse policies of disarming constituents in public buildings, schools, churches and airports but do nothing to stop crime. "Don't-do-anything-until-we-get-there" policy aids thugs in their killing sprees, whether officials wish to see it or not, and where punishment for self-defense is high, students and visitors are forced to choose between felony and funeral. Officials may not choose funeral on behalf of their student body.

How he makes this argument precisely is in his latest edition of Good For The Country at www.GoodForTheCountry.com