Atlanta, Ga. 1/16/2010 2:14:26 AM
News / Law

Army Officers Facing Disciplinary Action in Relation to Fort Hood Shooting Spree

As many as eight army officers are facing disciplinary action for what some officials are calling an inability to take the steps that may have prevented the Fort Hood shooting spree last November that left 13 people dead.


According to an inquiry the officers either missed or ignored numerous behavioral issues with Major Nidal Hasan before he carried out attack. Despite showing lax work habits and a fixation on religion as well as an overweight and unfit appearance Hasan continued to earn promotions.


While he continued to advance Hasan became more reclusive, refraining from socializing with colleagues and developing a more extremist approach to his faith in Islam.


The number of warning signs that were missed led the Pentagon to conclude that the eight army officers named in their inquiry bore some responsibility for Hasan’s shooting. Hasan, who was paralyzed from the waist down in the attack, is still to face trial in a military court. It is not yet known if he will face the death penalty.




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