Denver 1/18/2010 12:42:21 PM
News / Health & Wellness

LegalView Annouces Updates Yasmin and Yaz Portals After 25,000 Yasmin Lawsuits Filed, the online leader in personal legal information on the Internet, is pleased to announce its most recent addition to its successful Yasmin and Yaz information portals. In a show of continued support of the ongoing efforts by thousands of women who have been injured or killed from taking this birth control, has added a new piece to its informational article page. This newest posting details the most recent action against the Bayer Corporation, the maker of the birth control medicine Yasmin and Yaz. The article tells the story of approximately 25,000 Yasmin lawsuits that have been filed in Federal Court in East St. Louis, the hometown of Bayer Corp.

These medications have been under intense scrutiny over the past few years. Allegations that Yasmin, Yaz, and Ocella (the generic version of the pill) causes an increased rick for strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolism, thrombosis, cardiac arrhythmia, gallbladder disease, kidney failure and sudden death have all been empirically studied and shown to be statistically significant in clinical trials. Indeed, the increase in
Yasmin litigation has been astounding over the past seven years, with cases arising across the United States and in both the State and Federal courts.

A ruling by the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) involving over fifty Yasmin lawsuits across the United States took place on September 24, 2009 to consider consolidation of these cases into a single class-action lawsuit. Many women who are already involved in a
Yasmin case considered this to be a step in the right direction for the litigation; consolidation of the case would have set a precedent for the future of the case as well as encompassed the gravity of the claims. has kept close tabs on the development of Yasmin and Yaz lawsuits, covering the extensive history of these cases. In 2003, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning to Berlex Laboratories, a part of the Bayer Pharmaceuticals Corporation, demanding they cease the use of an advertisement for Yasmin which appeared to minimize the significant risk presented by the medications. The warning went on to say that there was evidence in clinical trials showing drospirenone (the active ingredient in the birth control pill) presented a statistically significant increase in serious side effects. In light of the history of this case, there has been an increased need for women to find an experienced
Yasmin lawyer to assist them in their legal battles. continues to provide the most comprehensive resources for those seeking information regarding personal injury or legal assistance. In addition to its expansive Yasmin practice area, continually updates its mesothelioma information portal with the most pertinent information, including access to an experienced
Mesothelioma lawyer

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