(, the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, in a new survey, asked readers, "Are distance learning degrees respected?" Out of 300 responses, 102 participants believe that an online degree earned through an accredited institution is respected. One informed reader said, "Many reputable and accredited institutions are now offering distance learning, in order to accommodate students who have a need for this type of educational offer." President of ChristiaNet, Bill Cooper says, "Regional accreditation is the best way for an educational institution to be certified." Well known prestigious schools are regionally accredited and will normally accept credits from other schools that are likewise. (
Thirty-nine participants do not agree that distance learning degrees are respected. Some people feel that an online degree may not be legitimate for various reasons. The main concerns with readers in this group is, that it might be easier for a student to cheat on their assignments and that they are available to consumers without having to work for them. It is important to do some research into different schools before applying. Many respected universities offer continuing education online and the students have to earn those degrees through study and hard work.
One-hundred, fifty-nine people were unsure about the survey question. A popular response with those who are unsure is that they are uninformed about distance learning degrees. One straightforward reader said, "I have not tried nor inquired about the validity of online degrees." Many Christians seem to overall agree that the institution of choice should be researched and the accreditation is an important qualifying factor. It is a good idea to talk to someone who has completed a degree program with a school through distance learning to get some firsthand knowledge.
Some participants suggests looking for a university that has a physical campus that is accredited and then find out if they offer online distance learning using the same requirements as a class on campus. One informed participant said, "I know quite a few people who received their degree in this manner, and they are well respected in the Christian community." Christians who are interested in an online education should pray and seek God to find the best school. For more information, visit:
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