Houston 5/13/2014 12:28:11 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Reduce Symptoms of Depression with Twist 25 DHEA Cream

Twist 25 DHEA is a natural and effective way to fight depression without antidepressants.

DHEA is a naturally occurring pro-hormone and a base building block for hormones. Medical research studies show that DHEA supplementation can help reduce many aspects of depression. DHEA enhances vitality and focus and improves sense of wellbeing.

Twist 25 DHEA cream is what the body uses, bioidentical DHEA, where it is used, the skin, the dermis. Twist 25 is DHEA the right way. Twist 25 cream daily helps people fight depression because they have more energy and drive during the day and generally feel happier and have more vitality. This may be because they start to sleep better at night too getting deeper REM sleep. Twist 25 is often described as the best bioidentical DHEA cream made because it is made with top quality pharmaceutical ingredients and has been researched, developed and improved for 19 years.

If you are 30 years old or more and are starting to feel blah, drained of energy or just do not have that drive that you used to, it might be time to try a more simple and holistic solution. Twist 25 is a special skin cream made with coconut oil, bioidentical DHEA, vitamin E and coenzyme Q-10. Use Twist 25 and make your own hormones. 

Health2Go promotes product awareness doing health radio talk shows, health fairs, speaking engagements, magazine articles as well as web posts.

The ever growing number health products retailers order Twist 25 DHEA cream through KeHE Distributors (Item #80330) or directly from Health2Go, Inc. in Houston Texas.