USA 1/26/2010 9:09:26 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Triathlon Running Tips You Need to Know

Do you ever wish that you could finish a great swim and bike ride, and then be able to have an even better run? Here are four triathlon running tips that will leave your competitors trying to play catch-up, straight from the Rock Star Triathlete Academy, at

Running Tip 1. Stand and Spin: 10 minutes before you anticipate getting off your bike and transitioning into a run, begin to stand on your bike at every chance you get. This will stretch your hip flexors and calves, leaving you less ³scrunched up² prior to getting off your bike and heading out onto the run. In addition, shift so that you are not ³Mashing² the gears, but instead spinning at a manageable cadence, preferably above 90rpm.

Running Tip 2. Faster not Farther: Nothing will keep you slow in running like going out for every training session at about 80% intensity, and just running at that steady state for 45-60 minutes. Only do that once per week, as a ³tempo² training session. Everything else, especially if you¹re primarily doing Sprints and Olympics, should be fast, interval based running with hard efforts separated by easy efforts. Hill climbs and going to the track will count for this!