Houston, Texas 5/11/2007 11:47:13 PM
News / Business

Credit Repair Services Popular Among Christians

Credit repair services such as consumer counseling, debt management, good fico scores and restoration programs are some of the financial articles at http://www.christianet.com/creditrepair/.

ChristiaNet.com (http://www.christianet.com), the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, surveyed Christians about credit repair. The survey question was, "Should Christians use credit repair services?" The majority said that it is not a sin for Christians to obtain help with their finances since everyone needs assistance from time to time due to unforeseen circumstances. One participant said, "If you get in a bind you need to be responsible enough to seek professional assistance as well as spiritual." Some credit repair organizations offer counseling to people who ask for it on how to manage their money more effectively.  (http://www.christianet.com/creditrepair/)
Out of 336 total polled, 171 said its okay for Christians to use credit repair services if they really need it. One participant said poor math skills and learning disabilities can play a part with financial difficulties. Being honest in these situations is the best policy. If a debt is legitimate then it should remain on the credit history. A respondent stated, "We did, and it helped us repay our creditors, and saved us a lot of interest charges. Plus, it helped us learn to handle our money better, learn to live on the income we have, and live within our means."

Spending can become an addiction, sometimes used a replacement for spiritual food. People know something is missing from their life (a relationship with God) but can get a quick fix by buying something new. Fifty-two participants in the survey said that Christians should not use credit repair services. A concerned respondent wrote, "The ones that I have spoken to seem to want to cheat the creditor out of what the person has promised to pay by working a deal."

There were 113 participants who were unsure on this issue. Some didn't know what it was, and others felt that if a person is responsible, as they should be, there will be no need for these kinds of services. Many in this group seem to agree that Christians should not go into debt in the first place, especially when there isn't enough income to pay lenders. Some participants emphasized that this service should only be used as a last resort but that once a Christian is out of debt they should stay that way.  For more information, visit: http://www.christianet.com/articles/

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ChristiaNet.com (http://www.christianet.com), the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, receives around one million visitors per month and has 400,000 email subscribers who have access to an online shopping mall, job bank, Biblical and life application resources, free ecards, Christian blogs and friendship communities.