Los Angeles 5/12/2007 1:26:01 AM
News / Politics

Columnist Answers The NRA

Author and columnist John Longenecker speaks to the essay of former NRA Froman on the election to permit Supreme Court to decide what was already ratified by the Founding Fathers.

Author and syndicated columnist John Longenecker would like to add to the essay of outgoing NRA Prez Sandra Froman on the power of the Supreme Court to decide gun law. Though Ms. Froman is outgoing President, it might as well be the position of the NRA writing.

Longenecker's point in one of his longer commentaries is that what is to be decided was already decided and on a very clear basis. Citizen authority backed by force.

"The Founding Fathers did not believe weapons would be a danger to the nation in any time or era," observes Longenecker, "But they did know that abuse of due process would be a threat to the nation in any era, so they didn't write the second amendment for citizens, and they didn't write it about guns; they wrote it for Government, and they wrote it to be impervious to abuses of due process, such as sensible gun regulation."

The key to our liberty is that the citizen is the supreme authority here, and that authority is backed by lethal force. "This is as it should be," says Longenecker, and adds that any encroachment on weapons is an encroachment on that authority by attacking the lethal force which backs it.

"It's rather silly to seek the opinion of government for a ruling on whether government has such an authority," says Longenecker. Longenecker asserts that by dint of the language of the second amendment, established public policy and interest, government has no such authority.

Get the details of Longenecker's observations and more in "Answering The NRA.." at his syndicated base of operations, www.GoodForTheCountry.com