Houston, Texas 5/15/2007 8:49:01 PM
News / Education

Creative Fundraising Ideas Required According To ChristiaNet Poll

Fundraisers such as creative fundraising ideas, capital campaigns, Church youth group fundraising, school fundraiser programs are some of the fundraising related articles at http://www.christianet.com/fundraisers/.

ChristiaNet.com (http://www.christianet.com), the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, asked readers their opinion on the new survey question, "Should Christians use fundraisers to raise money?" The majority of participants agree that sometimes organizations need to raise money for ministry and worthy causes. However many churches and organizations must come up with creative fundraising ideas to be successful. President Bill Cooper of ChristiaNet advises, "Fundraising Ideas should include a good marketing strategy to let others know about the event and the reason for it."  (http://www.christianet.com/fundraisers/)

Out of 285 people surveyed, 195 participants said "yes" to the survey question. One participant said, "Yes, we raise money for the Children's Home through fundraisers. It is very successful." Many Believers realize the need to raise money for those who are less fortunate or for ministry. Creative fundraising ideas can help make these types of programs prosperous. Wise stewardship and accountability is important with raising money. Participants in this group seem to agree that sometimes Christians should raise money to further God's Kingdom and for specific needs within the church.

Thirty participants don't think that Christians should be involved with fundraising efforts. Several people emphasize the importance of tithes and offerings supplying the needs of the church. One respondent said, "No, because Jesus did not use fundraisers to raise money." Some associated this with begging and others feel that Christians are looked on badly when asking for money. A suggestion from one respondent includes asking for freewill offerings when there is a specific need.

Sixty people surveyed were unsure about the survey question. A participant in this group suggested having a Church Festival to reach out to the community and raise money for a worthy cause. Many in this group seem to overall agree that it really depends on what the money is going to be used for. Seeking God for direction with any need is suggested and if the consensus remains to raise money then creative fundraising ideas should be sought that will benefit the giver as well as the receiver. A notable suggestion included teen car washes since they provide a service to those who participate. It also helps teens to learn the importance of working for a good cause.  For more information, visit: http://www.christianet.com/articles/

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ChristiaNet.com (http://www.christianet.com), the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, receives around one million visitors per month and has 400,000 email subscribers who have access to an online shopping mall, job bank, Biblical and life application resources, free ecards, Christian blogs and friendship communities.