Detroit is the pivotal city for innovation in Automotive technology. In an age of Federal bailouts and dismal economic conditions a new trend emerges in the form of Green Technology. This revenue generating tech wave rides on a crest of $124 Billion dollars annually and the potential for growth is just beginning. That is where DetailXperts.Com comes in.
This innovative green clean technology franchise hails from Detroit, Michigan in the heart of the Automobile industry. They have been featured recently on an upcoming video profile for Hot Metro Finds.Com. Ted Cantu explains, “Entrepreneurs and franchisors all across this country have their ear close to the ground. They know that Green technology is more than a buzzword. This comes to us at a time when companies are looking to expand, remodel and save money more than our previous generation. This is a hot business idea – so we decided to feature them in our web site.”
The innovation comes in the form of steam cleaning. According to DetailXperts CEO, Angela Williams, “We can take a car and steam clean it with very little water. It’s a deep clean that wipes out 98% of all living microbes and bugs that contribute to illness, colds and flues. We can clean 11 cars with just two gallons of water in very little time. This is a great franchise idea and its really catching on. We are moving our technology into parking lots, restaurants and hotels and we are just beginning to see this take off. Its just amazing.”
Angela Williams and DetailXperts are just one example of new emerging companies on the rise. In this new age companies are looking to expand, create and forge ahead with new money making opportunities and ideas. This type of technology allows them to do just that.