As we saw on part 1 and part 2 of the Big Brother 16 premiere, Frankie and Caleb are the first HOHs of the season. They will each nominate two people for eviction. The nominee pairs will then compete in Battle of the Block to determine which HOH will remain in control of the house. The pair that wins removes themselves from the chopping block and dethrones the HOH that nominated them, which means that HOH will be eligible for nomination if the Power of Veto is used.
Spoilers: DO NOT continue reading if you don’t want to know this week’s nominations
Brittany and Victoria were nominated by Frankie. Pow-Pow and Donny were nominated by Caleb. It looks like Brittany and Victoria won Battle of the Block. That means Caleb is still HOH and Pow-Pow and Donny remain on the chopping block.