Houston, Texas 5/16/2007 9:43:51 PM
News / People

Church Furniture Causes Church Growth According To ChristiaNet Blog

Church furniture such as church chairs, pews, nursery furniture, seating and folding room dividers are some of the church furniture businesses found at http://www.christianet.com/christianbusinesses/churchfurniture/index.htm.

ChristiaNet.com (http://www.christianet.com), the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, conducted recent research to find out if readers felt that church furniture could have an impact on church growth. One reader said, "Furniture does not make a church grow, the Holy Spirit does." However, many readers seem to agree that when the pews are padded and comfortable it could very well encourage people to attend services especially if there are people attending who have difficulty sitting comfortably.

President Bill Cooper, of ChristiaNet commented, "Church furniture can make a difference to a visitor who views the surroundings as inviting and comfortable." Having a positive experience will encourage visitors to return. Church growth can mean different things to different people but most Christians will most likely agree that being able to sit on comfortable furniture helps them to focus on the service because they are thinking less about themselves and more about what is being said.

Some Believers attend services for the fellowship and to study God's Word and aren't concerned with the decor. One reader stated, "Making the flesh comfortable has nothing to do with convicting the heart and bringing it to repentance." Another reader commented that church furniture isn't the reason for church growth in large churches where the teaching is "sugar-coating God's Word" and leaving out the message that causes sinners to repent. This reader feels that many pastors are telling the congregation what they want to hear instead of the message of God's Word that would change their lives, the revelation of truth that sets people free by being obedient and faithful to the Lord.

People do visit beautiful buildings but the point could be made that what brings them back is not the design or the ornamentation but the welcoming atmosphere inside with the worship setting. The interior should be properly maintained not only with chairs, pews, or nursery furniture that is appropriate but also with fresh paint and plumbing that works. Churches need to anticipate the needs of the congregation in every way possible. The atmosphere should include the proper temperature and lighting as well as anticipating the needs of those who are handicapped or suffer with back problems. For more information visit, http://www.christianet.com/christianbusinesses/churchfurniture/index.htm

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