Atlanta 7/1/2014 11:29:46 PM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 16 Week 1 Spoilers: Scrambling For Votes

Caleb is the final HOH this week and his nominees are Donny and Pow-Pow. Frankie lost his HOH position when his nominees – Brittany and Victoria – won the Battle of the Block.


Donny won the Power of Veto competition and took himself off the block. He was the target this week, so his win forced Caleb to find a new target. Caleb decided on Joey. It seems his decision was partly based on her horrible game play over the weekend (Click here to read more about that). Joey is now attempting to use the Team America twist to her advantage. While talking to Hayden yesterday, Joey hinted at having a special power. She refused to say exactly what it was but claimed she had been voted “America’s Favorite.” Joey tells Hayden she will be allowed to use “it” after Thursday. Hayden promises to keep the information a secret.

Meanwhile, Caleb has declared his love for Amber. Amber isn’t in to him at all but Caleb insists that she looks at him “a lot” to the point that other house guests have noticed it too. Amber seems creeped out by his declaration but tries to let him down easy by saying she isn’t interested in a showmance at all and wants to be friends with everyone in the house. Caleb is not put off.


Click here for more BB16 spoilers