Atlanta 7/12/2014 3:11:23 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 16 Week 3 Updates: Derrick & Nicole Work On Nominations

Derrick and Nicole are the HOH’s this week and they are working together on their nominations. Their goal is to backdoor Devin. This will keep blood off their hands since most of the house wants Devin gone anyway. They appear to have come up with a plan that everyone, even the potential nominees, are on board with.

The plan appears to be for Derrick to nominate Caleb and Jocasta and Nicole to nominate Amber and Donny. In order to “save his queen” (Amber), Caleb will throw the Battle of the Block competition so Derrick remains HOH and he and Jocasta remain on the block. Devin has little chance of being picked to play for the POV. The Veto will then be used to backdoor him.


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