Atlanta 7/15/2014 1:57:25 AM
News / Entertainment

Big Brother 16 Spoilers: Week 3 POV Competitions

HOHs Nicole and Derrick worked together on their nominations this week. The goal was to get the least amount of blood on their hands as possible while targeting Devin for a backdoor eviction. Nicole nominated Amber and Donny. Derrick nominated Caleb and Jocasta. Caleb agreed to throw the Battle of the Block competition to save Amber. He would then go in to “beast mode” to win POV and pave the way for Devin to be backdoored.


Devin, Donny and Christine were picked to play in the POV competition along with Derrick, Caleb and Jocasta. Donny won the Veto. It seems his plan is to use the Veto on Jocasta so Derrick can nominate Devin. There is already talk about evicting Caleb over Devin. 


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