Hollywood Florida 2/2/2010 3:22:56 AM
News / Entertainment

Pink's Grammy Performance

Pink Memorabilia

Pink was the highlight performance of the Grammy Awards.  While singing “Glitter in the Air” she started her performance walking down the stage covered in a white hooded robe.  Even covered in this gorgeous robe she was breathtaking.  She moved towards the end of the stage in a very alluring manner that simply was mesmerizing. No one would dare change the channel as she captivated the crowd.  As she neared the end of the stage she removed the robe to reveal a sheer nude body suit with glitter and white straps.  The suit brought back memories of the black strappy number worn by Cher in the “If I could turn back time video” with the ship and sailors.

Pink was helped into a large white sheet by Cirque de Soleil performers and continued to sing while performing an exquisite aerial act.  She was twirling, singing and being dunked in a tank of water.  Never missing a beat or pitch she continued to twirl high above the crowd spraying water on the stage. 

This perhaps was the most glamorous of all Grammy Award acts.

Simply stated a hard act to follow