Houston 7/31/2014 5:17:44 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Lose the Belly Fat and Build Lean Muscle with Twist 25 DHEA Cream

Twist 25 is a bioidentical DHEA cream, not a miracle drug, so if you are looking for a quick weight loss pill you need to wake up. You are not going to wake up one day 3 sizes smaller just by taking Twist 25, but maintaining youthful levels of DHEA with a bioidentical DHEA cream can have many beneficial health effects over time. 

Two health benefits of DHEA most reported by men who use Twist 25 daily is feeling leaner and fitter, they notice a reduction in a abdominal fat, leaner more shapely muscle tone, and faster recovery after workouts. Twist 25 does not make you lose weight through some kind of chemical hocus pocus, it keeps your hormones at their peak levels longer so you feel younger and have the energy of a younger you. 

As men get over age 35, many begin to lose the muscular physique they enjoyed in their 20’s. The older we get, the easier it is to pack on belly fat and the harder it becomes to lose. Many guys also realize that their interest in sex has diminished and they are having a harder time getting a good night’s sleep. 

DHEA is a prohormone that we make naturally in our bodies and we continue to make more and more every year until about age 25. This is considered our “prime”, but after age 25, DHEA levels start to drop and thus so do our hormone levels. This is widely known as menopause in women, but it occurs in men as well and is called andropause. 

By supplementing DHEA the right way, a bioidentical cream that absorbs through the skin, your body can continue to make its own hormones and continue to perform at its peak. 

Health2Go promotes product awareness doing health radio talk shows, health fairs, speaking engagements, magazine articles as well as web posts. 

The ever growing number health products retailers order Twist 25 DHEA cream through KeHE Distributors (Item #80330) or directly from Health2Go, Inc. in Houston Texas.