Houston 7/31/2014 5:22:19 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Get More Rest Despite Menopause with Twist 25 DHEA Cream

Twist 25 DHEA cream is one of the best DHEA creams on the market thanks to the superior quality of the ingredients mixed into this uniquely formulated and tested cream. After years of research, development and testing, Twist 25 is a highly absorbable bioidentical DHEA cream that goes on fragrance free and leaves no oily residue. 

Women have it rough at almost all stages of their lives. When you are young is when your monthly cycle starts and when you are in your prime is when you are expected to bear children and during the later stages you have to face menopause. 

Symptoms of menopause can be so severe that to an outsider looking in, you can appear to be very sick. Some symptoms include vasomotor instability, or the inability to regulate body temperature properly, more commonly known as hot flashes, nightsweats and cold flashes. Women also report severe migraines, rapid heartbeat and dysfunctional bleeding. 

Menopause is caused by a decrease in hormones due to decreasing production of DHEA in our bodies. After age 25 DHEA levels start to decline at a rate of about 2% per year and by age 35 people are making about 20% less than they did when they were at prime levels. Regular use of Twist 25 bioidentical DHEA cream can help you maintain youthful levels of DHEA reducing the effects of menopause, giving you more energy and drive during the day, and allowing for a better, more restful night’s sleep. 

Health2Go promotes product awareness doing health radio talk shows, health fairs, speaking engagements, magazine articles as well as web posts. 

The ever growing number health products retailers order Twist 25 DHEA cream through KeHE Distributors (Item #80330) or directly from Health2Go, Inc. in Houston Texas.