Miami 8/4/2014 11:38:30 PM
News / Food & Beverage

Gotham Cigars Adds The Montecristo Epic and Espada to its Montecristo Cigars Selection

Online Cigar Company has added two additional cigars to its Montecristo Cigars selection, the Montecristo Epic and the Montecristo Espada. These premium cigars are now available in stock for customers to enjoy. prides itself on adding the Montecristo Epic and Montecristo Espada to their online already large selection of premium Montecristo Cigars.  Gotham Cigars already sells the following Montecristo cigars: Montecristo Platinum, Montecristo Classic Collection, Montecristo White label, Monte by Montecristo and the Montecristo Classic collection. 

The Montecristo brand, was inspired by the adventure novel ‘’The Count of Monte Cristo”.  Montecristo cigars have become one of the most desired premium cigars brands among cigar aficionados around the world. Originating in Cuba and handmade in La Romana in the Dominican Republic, Montecristo Cigars are hand rolled by Grupo de Maestros - the world famous cigar rollers of the Altadis Family. Over 100 Montecristo cigars have achieved a 90+ rating from Cigar Aficionado Magazine, making them highly desired by cigar smokers in the know.

The new product releases of Montecristo Cigars, including the Montecristo Epic and Espada already carry the name of true elegance and the quality reputation of the Montecristo brand. The Montecristo Epic is a full bodied premium cigar featuring a robust blend of balanced flavors including those of chocolate, cocoa, nuts and caramel. The blend of finest aged Vintage 2007 tobaccos makes the Montecristo Epic cigar very unique and distinct compared to other Montecristo cigars. The Montecristo Epic is made with Nicaraguan and Dominican filler tobaccos, a Nicaraguan binder and Ecuadoran Habano wrapper grown specifically for this cigar. 

The Montecristo Espada is Monte’s first Nicaraguan Puro, all of its elements derived from Nicaragua. The Espada, which means sword is Spanish is a medium to full bodied cigar and pays homage to the rapiers found in the Montecristo logo. This Monte cristo cigar offers a rich taste of spices, coffee and nutmeg featuring the combination of a light tan wrapper of Habano Jalapa Vintage 2010 tobacco leaf and a blend of vintage Nicaraguan fillers from Jalapa, Ometepe and Condega. There are three sizes are available—Ricasso, 5 inches by 54 ring, Guard, 6 by 50 ring and Quillon, 7 by 56 ring and each box features the vintage date listed on the inner lid.

“These cigars are a departure for Montecristo, not only in the tobaccos that make them up, but also in the unique packaging they have selected for the Espada and particularly the Epic” says Manny Balani, owner and chief cigar aficionado of Gotham Cigars.  “The three band adornment is certainly something new, and the Epic is setting new bar in cigar packaging.  I am hoping to see many other manufacturers take such care in presenting their products in an innovative and artistic way.”

Gotham cigars has been carrying the new Monte Cristo cigars releases since July 1st when they first became available. To find out more about Montecristo Cigars selection, visit:

About Gotham Cigars:

Miami based Gotham Cigars owns and operates, a retailer of premium and machine made cigars, humidors, and cigar accessories since 2001. They also operate www.TopVaporShop, a portable vaporizer retail operation offering a wide selection of vaporizers, e- hookahs and vaporizer accessories. Gotham Cigars has built a stellar reputation among cigar aficionados based on five star customer service, a giant selection cigars at the lowest pricing and some of the fastest shipping in the industry. The company prides itself on being a favorite destination for buying cigars and accessories online.
