Houston 9/17/2014 3:07:29 AM
News / Health & Wellness

DHEA Cream May Help Improve Symptoms of Menopause

Menopause is one of those inevitable things in life that all women must go through. However, DHEA supplementation can help reduce some of the symptoms so it is not as harsh. Hot flashes, diminished skin tone, changes in mood, increased anxiety, forgetfulness and lack of concentration can all be tied to decreasing DHEA levels in the body. While these symptoms vary in intensity between women, most women experience one or more of these symptoms during menopause between the ages of 40 to 60. 

Fortunately, those who are under the impression that their only solution is controversial Hormone Replacement Therapy will be quite surprised that using a bioidentical DHEA cream can help alleviate symptoms. According to information from the University of Maryland Medical Center, DHEA supplements have been shown to raise hormone levels in pre and post menopausal women. Medical studies such as the one performed at the University of Pisa have even shown that DHEA can be as effective as Hormone Replacement Therapy.

As mentioned above, the reason DHEA cream helps women to maintain healthier hormone levels is because DHEA is a base building block for approximately 50 hormones such as estrogen, estrone, estradiol and testosterone. As we age, our bodies produce less and less DHEA, leaving us producing about half as much DHEA by age 50 as when we were in our 20s. 

Using a bioidentical DHEA cream can not only help to fight menopause in women but also other symptoms of aging too. Lower than normal levels of DHEA have been associated with osteoporosis, heart disease, memory loss, depression and greater risk cancer. Higher levels of DHEA are associated with greater bone strength, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, dementia, improving mood and reduced risk of cancer. 

It is very important to use DHEA as a properly made bioidentical DHEA cream rather than as a pill. DHEA as a pill has to pass through the liver where most is destroyed by the liver’s first pass effect. This leaves only DHEA-s to pass into the bloodstream which is virtually useless to our bodies. DHEA creams are applied directly to the skin where studies have shown the most DHEA metabolism takes place.