Monroe, Ga. 6/2/2007 12:43:48 AM
News / Music

Police Drummer Not Happy with Concerts, Says “This is Unbelievably Lame”

It’s been 20 plus years since Sting, Stewart Copeland and Andy Summers got on stage and performed before 20,000 fans as the Police and if Copeland’s assertions are correct it may be another 20 years before the band gets their act together.

In just their second show since reuniting for a world tour Copeland was openly critical about the poor timing and almost comical exuberance the trio has exhibited thus far. After Wednesday night’s show at the GM Place in Vancouver Copeland ripped into his band, writing “we are the mighty Police and we are totally at sea” on his website.

Copeland said of the second show “this is unbelievably lame” and went on to say watching Sting jump in the air made him look “like a petulant pansy instead of the god of rock.”

What seemed like biting commentary by Copeland was in actuality just a humorous look at what a 20 year layoff will do for a band. Copeland summed it up by saying “It usually takes about four or five shows in a tour before you get to the disaster gig. But we're The Police so we are a little ahead of schedule.”