Atlanta, GA 2/4/2010 11:58:17 PM
News / Law

Author James Arthur Ray Arrested in Sweat Lodge Deaths

Author James Arthur Ray was arrested Wednesday and charged with manslaughter in the deaths of three participants of one of his sweat lodge ceremonies.

Ray, author of Harmonic Wealth, was arrested at his attorney’s office in Prescott, Arizona and is being held in jail on $5 million bond.

Kirby Brown, 38, James Shore, 40, and Liz Neuman, 49, died last October during a “cleansing” ceremony Ray led as a part of his Spiritual Warrior 5-day retreat at the Angel Valley Retreat Center. The ceremony included 36 hours of fasting and sitting in a sauna-like hut. Eighteen other people were injured in the hut.

“Sheriff Waugh would like to thank the victim’s families for their patience while the Sheriff’s Office completed a through and comprehensive investigation. With the arrest of James Ray, Sheriff Waugh hopes the families of the three victims will now have some measure of closure to this tragedy,” said a statement from Yavapai County Sheriff Steve Waugh.

Ray’s attorney, Luis Li, called the charges “unjust.”


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