Atlanta, Ga. 2/5/2010 4:28:28 AM
News / Law

American Missionaries Charged with Child Abduction in Haiti

Ten American missionaries have been charged with child abduction and criminal conspiracy after allegedly attempting to smuggle 33 Haitian children out of the country following the country’s devastating earthquake last month.


The group of Americans were stopped last Friday while trying to cross into the Dominican Republic. They told border agents they were trying to take the children to an orphanage but it was soon realized that several of the children actually had parents who survived the quake in Haiti. Lacking any documentation for the children the group were quickly taken into custody and have been held in a Port-au-Prince cell since that time.


There have been conflicting reports regarding the nature of the missionaries’ actions as several parents have said they willingly turned their children over to the Americans in hopes they would receive a better education. Despite these reports Haiti’s Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive has called the group “kidnappers.”


If convicted of the charges the ten Americans could be sentenced to lengthy jail terms.


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