Houston 10/8/2014 2:43:36 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Test Your DHEA Levels Regularly with Health2Go Home DHEA Test Kit

If you are among the millions of people who toss and turn at night, feel drained during the day and are losing your patience more and more, there is something you can do to stop it. Many women and men experience these symptoms due to dropping DHEA levels as we get older. For everyone, after about the age of 25, the body begins to make less DHEA the older we get. 

DHEA is known as “the mother of all hormones” and is the base building block for hormones like testosterone, estrogen and about 50 other hormones. Healthy hormone levels are what keep up feeling and looking our best; and when hormones begin to decline, we begin to lack energy, drive and healthy vitality. DHEA is also important during the sleep cycle. DHEA is an important part of us getting a deep and restful sleep. DHEA also helps support the immune system, thereby allowing us to be more resistant to colds or the flu and reducing the risks of cancer. 

The advantage of modern medicine allows us to easily determine if your body is making enough DHEA to keep you in peak mental and physical condition. Health2Go offers a home DHEA test kit so you do not have to spend time and money to go to the doctor to get lab tests to learn if you have healthy DHEA levels. You can do an accurate test from home at any time it is convenient for you. Since Health2Go makes it is easy to find out if your DHEA levels are declining, you should check. It’s a great idea to use one of these at home test kits so you can know exactly where you stand. 

Furthermore, if you are in need of DHEA, if your DHEA levels are too low, you should consider Health2Go’s Twist 25 DHEA Cream. Twist 25 is a bioidentical DHEA cream that contains exactly what you body makes and uses naturally to support your health and appearance quickly, easily and safely. 

DHEA should be applied to the skin, as a cream so you can gently absorb it and feel more rested ready to take on the day.

Twist 25 DHEA cream is becoming readily available in more retail stores, thanks in large part to the dedicated team at KeHe/Tree of Life Distributors. Retailers can now get Twist 25 DHEA cream at wholesale price for resale through KeHe/ Tree of Life Distributors (Item #80330). 

Or, retail stores that do not order from KeHe/ Tree of Life Distributors can call Health2Go directly at 281-772-0316. Health2Go actively drives product demand in retail stores, doing numerous national health radio talk show interviews and advertising.