Monroe, Ga. 6/5/2007 11:01:32 PM
News / Politics

Republican Presidential Candidates Ready Themselves for Debate, Immigration at Forefront

Ron Paul and Rudy Giuliani have thrown barbs at each other over the issue and recently Mitt Romney and John McCain have exchanged words over the matter and with the Republican presidential debate set for tonight the topic of immigration is expected to be a key ground for candidates to define their differences.

Congressman Ron Paul recently attacked Rudy Giuliani’s record on immigration while mayor of New York City. Paul sited Giuliani’s efforts to provide amnesty for illegal immigrants, healthcare and other benefits as proof that the Republican is out of touch with the American people. Ron Paul has called for stricter border control and an end to birthright citizenship as well as an end to amnesty for illegal immigrants currently living in the United States.

Sen. John McCain and Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney have publicly battled over the recent immigration bill that would allow for guest workers in the country as well as a path for illegal immigrants to become citizens. McCain helped draft the bill that he himself admits has flaws. Romney blasted the bill saying it would cause a “stampede for the American border” by those seeking citizenship.

The Republican presidential debate will be held from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Thomas Sullivan Arena on The campus of Saint Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire. CNN will broadcast the debate live as will CNN Radio,, WMUR-TV, and

Wolf Blitzer will moderate the debate.