Houston 11/17/2014 8:02:53 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Twist 25 DHEA Cream Produces Healthier Results Over Time

Medical research has shown that maintaining health is far better than fixing problems as they occur. Many in the health industry agree that it is easier to maintain good health than it is to recover it. Modern medical research clearly shows that sleeping well, eating well, regular daily exercise and drinking adequate water allows for better health. Other things that we need to maintain healthy levels throughout our life is regular exposure to sunlight, maintaining healthy nutrients and hormone levels. 

While we can continue to control our nutritional intake and vitamin D exposure, what we cannot control is our hormone level. However, you can maintain healthy hormone levels for a time if you use Twist 25 DHEA cream. One of the best tips for people 35 and older is to use Twist 25 DHEA cream once every morning and once at night to allow your body to maintain youthful hormone levels. As a result of Twist 25, you will begin to sleep better, allowing you to wake up refreshed and energized throughout the day. 

DHEA is a prohormone that we create in our bodies in increasing levels up until age 25. After 25, we production starts to decrease until age 50 we are making about 50% less DHEA than in our mid 20’s. Some of the most common things that people report during this time is less focus, less sense of well being and being more tired earlier in the day. As hormones decline in the body. hormone receptors on the surface of the cells decline as well so it takes more than simply replenishing hormones once the decline has occurred.

For this reason, it is important to maintain DHEA levels, the most abundant pro-hormone in the body, used to create 50+ hormones that we use to function. The best way to maintain DHEA levels and thus our hormone levels, is Twist 25 DHEA cream. This bioidentical DHEA cream will allow you to maintain your healthy levels well into your mid-years. 

Twist 25 DHEA cream is becoming readily available in more retail stores, thanks in large part to the dedicated team at KeHe/Tree of Life Distributors. Retailers can now get Twist 25 DHEA cream at wholesale price for resale through KeHe/ Tree of Life Distributors (Item #80330). 

Or, retail stores that do not order from KeHe/ Tree of Life Distributors can call Health2Go directly at 281-772-0316. Health2Go actively drives product demand in retail stores, doing numerous national health radio talk show interviews and advertising.