Pest Control companies can purchase Keywords that corresponds to the name of the company, the region they are located, or a specific service that they offer to their clients. For a Pest Control company that is located in North Georgia that specializes in termite control and mosquitoes, they could purchase “North Georgia Termites” and when that word is searched for then the top two search results would be that Pest Company.
Upon purchasing a Keyword, you will also receive a unique URL extension that will allow for an easy way for people to find your Pest Control business. If the purchased word is “North Georgia Termites”, then the URL extension would be The keyword that is associated with the link will then bring the customer to the FindIt Site of the company where they will be able to discover more information about the company they are interested in.
The FindIt site for your Pest Control company will include content that will be beneficial to your future customers. On your FindIt site you can include general information such as an address, phone number, and hours of operations. Picture galleries are a great way for a Pest Control company to showcase what types of work that they can provide. Having each gallery dedicated to a different type of service or animal that you have taken care of can provide a sense of comfort for a future customer in their decision to choose your Pest Control company.
FindIt’s “Right Now” Status Updates can also serve as an informational and beneficial marketing tool to prospective customers in search of a Pest Control company. A “Right Now” update for a Pest Control company could include what type of bugs to be aware of pending on the season, any special offers for services, or a unique circumstance involving a random occurrence. The update can be about anything relevant to the Pest Control company. In the update, you can include pictures, audio files, press releases, or other links that can build business for your Pest Control company. These updates can then be shared across the board through various social media websites by using the “ShareThis” tool and to personal Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest accounts. Post that are shared generate awareness to your Pest Control company.
Buy your Pest Control Keywords at and get noticed today!
About Findit, Inc.
Findit, Inc. owns (OTC Pink Sheet ARTT) and operates the websites, Findit, TransWorldNews, LinkMyFan, WooEB and LinkMyStock. Findit is an interactive search engine that provides a Campaign Management Platform for its Members to post, share and manage their content along with an interactive search engine. Findit provides a platform for anyone to submit URLs that they want to have indexed in Findit along with posting status updates through Right Now to manage their content and go viral socially. Right Now on Findit is where members can post status updates and share them to over eighty websites that are social and bookmarking sites. Findit, Inc. is focused on the development of monetized internet based web products that increase brand awareness of both private and public companies along with individuals and artists. Through its press release distribution services offered through TransWorldNews and WooEB that has over 285 publishers for its press releases this assists our members in building brand awareness. Findit, Inc. also owns the Financial Networking Platform LinkMyStock and the social platform LinkMyFan.
Forward Looking Statement
Safe Harbor Statement:
This press release contains forward-looking information within the meaning of Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act"), including statements regarding potential sales, the success of the company's business, as well as statements that include the word 'believe' or similar expressions. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Findit, Inc. to differ materially from those implied or expressed by such forward-looking statements. This press release speaks as of the date first set forth above, and Findit, Inc. assumes no responsibility to update the information included herein for events occurring after the date hereof. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to factors such as the lack of capital, timely development of products, inability to deliver products when ordered, inability of potential customers to pay for ordered products, and political and economic risks inherent in international trade.
Findit, Inc.
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