Houston 3/15/2015 5:40:00 PM
News / Health & Wellness

DHEA Cream Twist 25 Can Help You Look and Feel Your Best Every Day

Looking and feeling your best day in and day out is something that every individual hopes to accomplish every time they get out of bed in the morning. There are many things such as a proper diet, getting the right amount of sleep, drinking water and exercising that can contribute to whether or not this happens. Another way that you can do your part in the way you feel is by adding Twist 25 DHEA Cream to your daily routine. DHEA is one of the more important pro-hormones in the body as it is the main building block for other hormones in the body.

Hormones directly affect how we feel, our energy levels, muscle tone, quality of sleep, sex drive and other important bodily functions. DHEA is what will help make you look young and healthy. The more we lose DHEA, the more we start to feel older and tired. Twist 25 DHEA Cream can help make you feel young again. There have been plenty of studies that have been performed in the 18 years that Twist 25 DHEA Cream has been on the market.

That research has shown that DHEA supports immune response, bone strength, cardiovascular disease, and even reduces the risk of cancer. Using Twist 25 as a way to restore the levels of DHEA that are present in your body will allow you to see the difference within weeks. You will find yourself wanting to accomplish more in your 24 hour day because of the DHEA boost that the cream will supply to the body.

Twist 25 DHEA cream is becoming readily available in more retail stores, thanks in large part to the dedicated team at KeHe/Tree of Life Distributors. Retailers can now get Twist 25 DHEA cream at wholesale price for resale through KeHe/ Tree of Life Distributors (Item #80330). 

Or, retail stores that do not order from KeHe/ Tree of Life Distributors can call Health2Go directly at 281-772-0316. Health2Go actively drives product demand in retail stores, doing numerous national health radio talk show interviews and advertising.