Houston 5/19/2015 6:25:00 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Overcome Your Depression with Help from Twist 25 DHEA Cream

Those suffering from mild to moderate depression should order Twist 25 DHEA Cream today to finally feel better. Twist 25, unlike antidepressants, is a more natural option that has gained more credibility in the last few years. DHEA is a naturally occurring pro-hormone, which is a base building block for most hormones in the body, that can can help stave off depression as we age. Of course, other factors besides age and hormone levels affect depression, but declining hormones are a major contributing factor nonetheless. As the most important hormone base in the human body, DHEA is very important to many functions in the body, one of which is cognitive function, memory, focus, energy, and feeling of well-being. 

DHEA levels gradually increase until about age 25, and then begin to decrease by about 2% a year thereafter. By the time we hit 50, our bodies are producing only have as much DHEA as they used to when we were at our prime. AS those levels decline in middle age and beyond, levels of the hormones made from DHEA in the body decline as well, so many people begin to suffer from the symptoms collectively known as “depression” as a result of the hormone level decreases. 

Fortunately, a safe effective bioidentical DHEA cream is available without prescription to help maintain DHEA levels and youthful vitality. After just 6 weeks with patients suffering from depression, DHEA was associated with significantly greater decrease in Hamilton depression scale ratings than was placebo. Patients using DHEA “showed a 50% decrease in depressive symptoms. That’s significant. 

Twist 25 DHEA Cream, when applied daily onto thin, hairless skin can help your body maintain more youthful levels and thereby help your body to make the hormones it needs so you can feel your best. Twist 25 DHEA cream is 50 mg/cc pharmaceutical grade bioidentical DHEA. Free DHEA rather than DHEA sulfate. This is why DHEA should be used as a cream rather than a pill. In addition to promoting better mood, more drive and feeling of well-being and focus, Twist 25 DHEA cream helps to support cardiovascular health, immune response, bone strength and much more. 

Twist 25 DHEA cream is becoming readily available in more retail stores, thanks in large part to the dedicated team at KeHe/Tree of Life Distributors. Retailers can now get Twist 25 DHEA cream at wholesale price for resale through KeHe/ Tree of Life Distributors (Item #80330). 

Or, retail stores that do not order from KeHe/ Tree of Life Distributors can call Health2Go directly at 281-772-0316. Health2Go actively drives product demand in retail stores, doing numerous national health radio talk show interviews and advertising.