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News / Health & Wellness

Save Your Immune System with Bioidentical DHEA Cream Twist 25

Twist 25 is the best DHEA cream to keep your immune system functioning properly. Twist 25 is made with bioidentical DHEA with top-quality ingredients. Not only does it help you stay healthy by helping your body maintain your immune system, but it also helps maintain hormones naturally. Diseases are always evolving at accelerated rates forcing our immune systems to keep up.

As we get older it becomes harder to adapt to newer , but thanks to Twist 25 DHEA Cream, your immune system can be healthy enough to fight off infection well into middle age.

Using Twist 25 regularly, you will also notice that you sleep better at night and have more energy and drive during the day. Women who use Twist 25 during menopause will notice that symptoms are less severe. It is time to make Twist 25 a part of your daily routine.

There are a great number of medical research studies being done that show DHEA creams like Twist 25 can help improve immune function because DHEA increases the number of immune helper cells and significantly decreases the number of immune suppressor cells.

One study in particular has garnered a lot of attention in the medical community. Nine healthy, elderly men were given 50mg of DHEA every day for 20 weeks. What researchers reported was supplementation appeared to increase the activation of lymphocytes, which are cells that kills viruses and even the abnormal cells that are susceptible to becoming cancerous. They also noticed that T-cell function increased.

Many people take supplements like vitamin C, zinc and other multi-vitamins to avoid getting sick and support a strong immune system. Now you can add another important tool in helping your body stay healthy; Twist 25 DHEA Cream.