Inglewood, CA, June 21, 2007 6/25/2007 12:37:34 AM
News / People

Fred Thompson Set To Declare Candidacy Soon

Fred Thompson announced on June 20, 2007 in London that he is ready to run for president. It will be just a matter of weeks before the New York district attorney from Law & Order declares his candidacy with the aspiration of playing the biggest role of his career.

Polls already show Thompson leading in the race for the Republican nomination and he has already begun hiring managers, pollsters and lawyers for the inevitable. Once he declares his candidacy officially, it is envisaged that Thompson will be able to raise tens of millions of dollar in a matter of few weeks.

The Americans are disillusioned with President Bush and Republican supporters are not very happy with the other Republican candidates. They are longing for someone like Reagan, who can champion their cause and be a natural conservative but still have the charisma to go with it.


Thompson is quite a well known figure across American and to top it up he has a conservative voting record in the Senate on issues like abortion and gun control. It is his politics and not his celebrity status that is creating quite stir among the Republican supporters.


When Thompson declares formally his candidacy and with him already being the front-runner, he will start experiencing scrutiny that he has never seen before. It is quite uncertain how the voters will react once they get to know him better.


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