header photo Summerville 12/7/2015 2:43:37 PM
News / Real Estate

Summerville Home Loans in by Homefront Mortgages

Homefront Mortgages provide Home Loans for Summerville Residence in South Carolina

Homefront Mortgages offers home loan and low money down mortgages for residents of Summerville South Carolina.

As a full service broker, Homefront Mortgages can look at a borrowers individual circumstance and find the best loan product, Lowest available rate and give the best service for each loan.

Many borrowers are unsure whether they can qualify for conventional mortgage or one of the specialty mortgages such as FHA back loans or VA Loans. Homefront Mortgages will look at your entire profile and find the best loan for you.

Some of the more common types of loans are based on the amount of down payment a borrower needs to qualify for the loan. Conventional loans usually require 20% down to get the better rates. However, there are programs like FHA backed and UDSA backed loans that only require 0%-3.5% down to qualify.

“As a full service mortgage broker, Homefront Mortgages is not locked into only one lender’s product line”, says Michelle Denton, principal broker, Homefront Mortgages. “ Homefront can search for the most competitive product available while still require a high quality lender.”

Before you shop for a home, see what type and amount of loan that you qualify for. There is never a consultation fee with Homefront Mortgages. You can check general mortgage rates and see what loan best fits your needs.

Contact Homefront Mortgages today for a free consultation.