Findit is changing the way business owners and marketers handle their online marketing. Pest control companies can utilize their very own Findit Site to publish content and share it to all of their social sites. Pest control companies can utilize the Findit platform to advertise their services and prices in the area that they do business.
From smaller mom and pop pest control companies to larger statewide companies, using the Findit platform makes online marketing easier for pest control companies and it is more efficient. With the ability to share your content across all of your social sites, Findit is become a great starting point for companies to do their online marketing.
With Findit, you can post Right Now status updates that can include to 6000 characters, photos, a video, a link, a press release, and music. These data-rich posts create their own page within Findit and search engines pick up the individual posts. This is what will start to drive traffic to your business. When pest control companies market on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or their other social sites, the people that are seeing their posts are already their friends, and likely already know what they do. With Findit you will start targeting people who are unaware of your company but need your services. Bingham Termite in St. Petersburg Florida adopted Findit as their social media marketing campaign.
“Pest control companies across the US should implement Findit as there starting place for their online marketing” says Clark St. Amant of Findit Inc. “The design behind Findit has given companies the ability to get in front of their target audience like never before.” Call today to get started. 404-443-3224404-443-3224