header photo Costa Mesa 3/11/2016 4:34:43 PM
News / Real Estate

Jumbo Home Loan Interest Rates are Still at Historic Lows in Costa Mesa California with E Mortgage Capital

The Orange County and Los Angeles real estate market is booming and jumbo and super jumbo mortgages with historically low interest rates are the new reality to finance and refinance properties.

In Costa Mesa and the Orange County area it can be difficult to find properties that can be financed with traditional lending sources.  Traditional loans have lending amount caps that are based on the location of the property that may be significantly lower than value of the properties in the area.  Loans that deal with higher balances are considered Jumbo or Super Jumbo loans depending on their size.

E Mortgage Capital offers a variety of Jumbo products that have very competitive rates and greater flexibility.  E Mortgage Capital’s rapid turnaround times and flexibility offer more programs better fit the wants and needs of their clients.

You can buy a home with Jumbo mortgage that are based on fixed rates or Adjustable rates.  Typically Jumbo loans start with down payments as low as 20%.  They can be interest only and their debt to income ratios can go as high as 50%.  Another benefit of a Jumbo loans is that many programs will allow a non-occupying co-borrower to help borrowers qualify that may have less than perfect credit or hard to document income.  E Mortgage Capital has flexible terms that can meet a borrower’s goals and qualifications.

With the historically low interest rates now is a good time to refinance to lower your interest rate.  Jumbo loan do not require mortgage insurance.  Interest only options are available and you can take up to $35,000 in cash out to make a large purchase or pay off high interest debt.

In the Costa Mesa or Orange County California area, if you need a Jumbo Loan to finance or refinance a home, contact the mortgage professionals at E Mortgage Capital today. (855) 569-3700(855) 569-3700 FREE