header photo Atlanta 4/17/2018 6:12:05 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Medical Device Repair Plans With BiTech Medical Corp Cut Down On Catastrophic Equipment Failure And Expensive Replacements

BiTech Medical Corps medical device repair plans can help prevent catastrophic failure of medical devices at your healthcare facility. Practitioners preach preventative care; by speaking with our staff of trained technicians, you’re getting exactly that for your facility’s medical equipment. Reach out to BiTech Medical today for flexible medical device repair service agreements today.

Our family owned and operated company has been serving the healthcare industry for years, and is proud to serve major hospital facilities to small hospices alike. Located in Atlanta, our highly trained and certified medical device repair technicians can be in house within the southeastern US.

From Florida, Louisiana, Georgia, North and South Carolina to Tennessee, our licensed repair technicians will be on site for regular service calls whenever you pick up the phone- we do provide nationwide medical equipment service agreements for facilities in any continental US state.

Cut down your healthcare facility’s overhead expenses, reduce your replacement budgets and maintain your medical equipment rather than creating extra expenditures with a medical device service agreement with BiTech Medical Corp. We strive to provide the very highest level of service to all of our clients, and work with your individual facility to establish a repair agreement best fit for you.
