header photo Atlanta 9/12/2018 4:45:00 PM
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Findit, Inc. Announces Updates to Findit Right Now Feed That Are Now Visibly More Appealing To Members and Visitors

Findit.com has made improvements to the Right Now Feed to make photos more visually appealing to members and visitors. Previously, photos were not as large and the text from each status update was displayed on top of the image, covering part of the photo. Now, the photo size has been increased and the text is displayed above of the photo which makes it easier to see what the photo is and understand what each status update is about. 

These changes were implemented to help create a very simplified and clean look on the Right Now Feed. We know that photos are extremely important to visitors and members and great looking photos are typically what get shared from Findit to other social networking sites. Moreover, having a clean and simplified look can help increase user engagement rather than result in visitors clicking away from Findit. 
Clark St. Amant stated, “We made these changes to help our members get more social engagement on the content they put on Findit. We developed Findit in such a way that it is extremely easy and simple to use and can help members on social media reduce the time they spend engaging their audiences on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google +, and other social networks. Members of Findit have all the tools they need to create content rich Right Now Status Updates that can be shared socially to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and other social sites and be indexed in search results on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Having your own Findit Site is extremely efficient to manage and the results are tangible for members that want more visibility on the web.”
Findit is free to join. Members have the ability to customize their Findit pages with a header image as well as an avatar. They also have the ability to reserve vanity URL addresses for only $79 each per year. Several existing members on Findit have multiple URLs that target specific keywords and locations that they want to index better in search engines for.  Each vanity URL is unique, so once you reserve a vanity URL, it is the same as a domain address, no one else can get the same one unless it expires. 

Here are 2 examples of existing URLs on Findit; https://www.findit.com/savannahstructuralrepairs and https://www.findit.com/inground-concrete-pools-installed-denver-nc, once URLs are reserved no one else can claim that URL unless it is trademark protected.
Members of Findit, regardless of whether or not they have their own unique vanity URL, incur zero hosting fees, no plugins are necessary to manage your Findit pages, and you will not need a programmer if you know how to type and upload pictures and audio files. 
Your Findit Site can be live in minutes. Once your account is activated you can begin to post the content you want seen, shared and indexed on the web. The content posted is typically indexed in search engines including Findit within 2 days, sometimes sooner. 
Peter Tosto stated, “Anyone that is looking to garner more exposure on their status updates or content will benefit greatly from using Findit on a daily basis.  When members make Findit their starting point for all of their social content they want seen, shared and indexed the process becomes more efficient and the resaults are tangible. Once you post your content, it gets indexed in Findit search, along with Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines. You also receive the benefit from the existing members and visitors to Findit. We made Findit an open social network so visitors would not have to join to see and share the content from Findit members. Visitors land on various pages from search results or a shared post they might see on their Facebook or Twitter feed. From there, they click on over and now they can see the post in its entirety and share it as well, leave a comment, like it or create their own Findit pages and start posting as well.”
With the improvements made to the Right Now Feed, we have seen a steady improvement in our Global Ranking in Alexa as well as page views. We believe members will see an increase in sharing done from their status updates due to the changes to pictures and how they are displayed now without any words covering the image. 
Findit is by far the easiest way to garner a web presence without any hosting fees and programming capabilities. Even if you have an existing Wordpress, Wix or Squarespace site or customized web site, adding Findit to your online marketing strategy is simply a healthy choice to make. For people that are in the process of developing a new website that is content driven set up your Findit site first, it will save you quite a bit of time and money.