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News / Education

Get Professional Student Debt Relief Counseling from Freedom Loan Resolution Services

Students looking for student debt relief rely on the experienced student debt counselors at Freedom Loan Resolution. When you are struggling to make your student debt payments along with other mandatory living expenses, the time to act is now. Call our student debt counselors today at 888-780-6225 and let us help guide you through the path to student debt relief.

There are several types of student debt relief programs that are in place to help students just like you. Let us work with you one on one and review your financial situation to see if you qualify for student loan forgiveness, an income based payment plan or if student loan consolidation is right for you.

Here are descriptions of the types of student loan programs that are in place to help you get the relief that you need.

Student Loan Forgiveness: receive a principal reduction, partial loan discharge, or total loan forgiveness.*

Federal Student Loan Consolidation: consolidate all your student loans into one new loan with one new payment that is scheduled once per month at a price you can afford.

Income Based Payment Plans: New payment calculated takes into both your family size and income to come up with a new payment that you can afford. Payment could be as low as $0.00 per month.*

*Each case is different but we will review your financial situation and help you apply to the right program to meet your needs.

Start your student debt relief applications with us today and let us help you apply for the right financial relief program for your student debt, call 888-780-6225.