NorCal GCX has established the premier marketplace exchange for hemp farmers looking to connect with verified buyers and sellers of hemp products. In order to gain access to our portal. your farm must first go through the verification process, where we confirm that you are who you claim to be and verify your farm as a legitimate establishment. This helps us prevent agents and brokers from getting into the mix.
Currently, many hemp farmers are often caught in a position when it comes harvest time to sell their crops. The issue for many hemp armers is they are being contacted by brokers or agents that are misrepresenting themselves to the farmer as the buyer, when in reality these people are simply fishing for information on the crop and gathering information such as quantity and price to bring to their potential buyers or compare them with other farmers.
This creates false hope for the farmer believing they have a sale as a result of misrepresentation, which overall hinders the industries perception from the public when it comes to the CBD industry as a whole.
Because we vet and verify all buyers, sellers, labs, farms and other parties within our marketplace exchange, there are no agents or buyers to get into the mix and cause issues during the transaction process.
Contact NorCal GCX today to start the verification process for your hemp farm. We look forward to working with you to connect you with verified buyers of hemp. For more information, please reach us at 415-475-9180.