header photo Newark 1/9/2020 2:30:00 PM
News / Consumer Goods

Support Wildlife Rescue Efforts in Australia By Benefitting WIRES Through our Wildlife Rescue Bracelet

Help Chavez for Charity help Australia with your purchase of our limited edition Wildlife Rescue Bracelet featuring a Koala charm.  Right now, Australia is on fire and millions of animals are affected. You can show your support, get involved, and help support WIRES, the largest wildlife rescue organization in Australia with your purchase of our limited edition wildlife rescue bracelet for Australia fires.

Since the breakout of the fires, it is estimated that over 800 million animals have been affected and over 2 million acres of land has been destroyed. WIRES is composed over a team of over 2500 volunteers that is dedicated to actively rehabilitating and restoring Australian wildlife and inspiring others to do the same.

With your help, we can give back to this amazing organization through our charity bracelets. With every sale of our wildlife rescue bracelet, we donate 25% of net profits to support WIRES directly. WIRES and Australia need your help now more than ever, with over 20,000 calls made to WIRES in December alone and over 3300 animal rescues.

Show your support for Australia today and help benefit WIRES with your purchase of our wildlife rescue bracelets. Our charity bracelets for Australia wildfires help spread the word for our mission, WIRES mission, and can help encourage others to get involved. All of our charity bracelets are great gifts for others that create meaningful impact.