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Logic Was "At His Lowest Point" When He "Was Most Famous"

Logic has released his final album and it's a bittersweet moment for fans and perhaps the music industry as a whole. Fans have been loving No Pressure thusfar, however it turns out life wasn't always roses and sunshine for the rapper. Whether it's roses or a Jesus Piece, customize your own pendants today at HipHopBling.com.

In an interview with Big Boy's Neighborhood, Logic revealed that when he was at his most famous was when he struggled the greatest. Logic's "1-800-273-8255" truly catapulted him into the limelight and brought suicide prevention to the fore. If you crave the limelight, make sure you have something to shine - a gold custom chain should do.

"The thing is, before '1-800' popped off on the Everybody album I was just a known rapper, but I went from that to a pop, known," said Logic. "When you do that, I'm like, 'Oh okay, now I get it Selena [Gomez], now I get it Justin [Bieber]. Okay I get it, Taylor [Swift]. Like, I get it, dog. Y'all get ripped apart.

"My lowest point, my deepest, darkest, depressed state that I've ever been in was my most famous, my most wealthy, my most known. People don't understand that," Logic said. "Would I do it all over again? Yes, because I made it here and I'm still fighting and learning every day.

HipHopBling.com is a jewelry wholesaler and retailer with tremendous experience and knowledge of the hip hop jewelry segment. Our company has been around for nearly 20 years offering the finest products to consumers and hip hop related retailers across the globe. We have grown from a small room during the 90s to a full blown 25000sqft warehouse in Columbia MD shipping hundreds of orders each day.  Our mission is simple and we stand by it each and every day.

Mission: Find the best jewelry in the world and sell it at the lowest prices possible without compromising quality or service.

