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Sign Up For The Pre Invite On Classworx The Best Up And Coming Virtual Teacher Directory Online

Instructors that are looking to offer their classes virtually can join the leading virtual instructor directory, Clasworx. We are the leading virtual instructor directory connecting students with instructors who are offering their classes online with existing video conferencing technologies such as Zoom. Sign up for the pre-invite at Classworx.com.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated and “institutionalized” the use and adaption of remote instructions to all corners of the world in an unprecedented short time frame. Classworx is being designed as the premier virtual instructor directory where any instructor offering personal instruction services can join, post their schedule and connect with students on a global scale that wish to learn the skills or activities the instructor providers.

Instructors can offer various lessons for: yoga, pilates, or “spin” classes, music and art lessons, athletic coaching, cooking lessons, educational classes such as learning a new language and more. These types of classes traditionally were done in person at physical locations, but as more and more people turn to remote learning from the home or office, Classworx helps connect instructors with students worldwide.

Visit Classworx today to sign up for the pre-invite. The pre-invite will go out to all instructors who sign up with their email to enable them to become some of the first instructors on Classworx once the fully functional site goes live. Once live, instructors will be able to post their class schedule and connect with students who are looking to learn the skill or activity that the instructor is offering.

For more information, contact Classworx at 470-448-4734.