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News / Health Care

Meet Lobe Sciences A Life Sciences Company Focused on Psychedelic Medicines

Lobe Sciences Ltd. GTSIF is a life sciences company that has a focus on psychedelic medicines and treatment. Lobe Sciences has engaged in drug research and development using psychedelic compounds and the development of innovative devices and delivery mechanisms to improve overall health, wellness and well being. Current treatment research includes treatments for mTBI and PTSD with NAC and psychedelics.

Currently, preclinical studies are ongoing with the University of Miami for the treatment of PTSD and/or traumatic brain injury with PTSD. Right now the recommended concussion treatment from the Center of Disease Control is as follows:

“Discuss discharge instructions with patients and give them a discharge instruction sheet to take home and share with their family and/or caregiver. Be sure to:
• Alert patients to look for post concussive symptoms (physical, cognitive, emotional, and sleep) since onset of symptoms may not occur until days after the initial injury.
• Instruct patients on what to expect, what to watch for, and when it is important to return immediately to the emergency department.
• Emphasize that getting plenty of rest and sleep is very important after a concussion, as it helps the brain to heal. Patients should gradually return to their usual routine only after they start to feel better.”

While there is no standard medicine recommended for the treatment of mTBI, recent studies have proven the efficacy of treating mTBI and PTSD with NAC. Recent studies have proven the efficacy of treating mTBI and PTSD with NAC. Source*

Lobe Sciences Ltd. GTSIF has also engaged Visionworks Engineering of San Diego, CA to commence engineering work to complete and test a proof concept prototype of its nasal mist.  For more information, get in touch with Lobe Sciences Ltd. GTSIF by contacting us at 604-834-9499.