Atlanta, Ga 2/11/2010 5:31:25 AM
News / Music

John Mayer in Playboy Interview says, "My D#@! is Sort of Like a White Supremacist."

John Mayer, musician who has been frequent in the tabloids for his relationships with stars such as Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Aniston, sparked controversy in his interview in the most recent issue of Playboy magazine.


"That girl is like crack cocaine to me," Mayer spoke of Jessica Simpson. "Did you ever say, 'I want to quit my life and just f*#%ing snort you? If you charged me $10,000 to f@$^ you, I would start selling all my shit just to keep f@%*ing you.'" I'm right there with you Johnny.


The singer and songwriter also spoke of Aniston, denying the rumor that his hit single "Heartbreak Warfare," from his latest album "Battle Studies," has inspired by her. Mayer had even said "That woman would never use heartbreak warfare," instead stating, "That woman was the most communicative, sweetest, kindest person..." Now that's more like the John Mayer we all think we know.


While sharing a few comments on race, Mayer gave several eyebrow raising predications regarding African American's.


"My d@#* is sort of like a white supremacist," Mayer said. "I've got a Benetton heart and a f@#%ing David Duke C*#%. I'm going to start dating separately from my D#%^.