North Carolina, USA 2/12/2010 11:21:07 PM
News / Law

American Grand Jury joins FACEBOOK!

Visit our Facebook Page -- don’t forget to join while you are there.

AGJ Facebook logo American Grand Jury is pleased to announce we have a NEW Facebook Fan page. You are all welcome to join.

The reason we chose a FAN page instead of a Group page is simply a numbers game. The number of people that can join our Facebook Fan club is unlimited. The Facebook Group is limited.

PLEASE, right now while you are thinking about it,
go to our Facebook page and join our Fan club. Thomas Washington is our Facebook administrator. He is an old hand at making things happen on Facebook.

We intend to use our Facebook page to heavily promote the Columbia Trial scheduled for May 14th - 19th in New York.

For futher details on this press release pleave visit:

Release Date: February 12, 2010
Distribution: International
Restrictions: reprint permission granted, royalty free, copyright as to content
Tags: American Grand Jury, Facebook, Fan page, Thomas Washington, Fan club, join, membership

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American Grand