Houston, Texas 7/16/2007 9:13:09 PM
News / Business

Business Insurance Such As General Liability Vital To Businesses

Business insurance such as small business insurance, group health plan, general liability, short term disability and commercial property are some of the insurance related articles at http://www.christianet.com/businessinsurance/.

ChristiaNet.com (http://www.christianet.com), the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, has just launched a directory of articles on business insurance including information on small business insurance and general liability. "We at ChristiaNet understand the importance of having adequate insurance coverage in the event of loss or liability so we try to provide information that helps to inform our readers" states President, Bill Cooper. (http://www.christianet.com/businessinsurance/)

While the business owner is the best judge of adequate coverage and what is affordable, consideration should be given to property and equipment loss and coverage for accidents that might occur to employees or customers. Small business insurance should be sufficient to cover losses so that business is not interrupted by fire, theft, accidents, and loss of income. Cooper says, "Adequate coverage should cover losses that affect vital business operations."

Business insurance can be very expensive and most business owners are very concerned about costs when it comes to making decisions on what is adequate coverage. The Gallup Organization sponsored by Wells Fargo surveyed small business owners nationwide and found that, "Small business owners who set 2007 goals and objectives for their businesses indicate that the cost of insurance (64%) and taxes (62%) top their list of concerns for the New Year."

Home-based companies will have different considerations on business insurance in comparison to companies who operate out of commercial property. When deciding the coverage needed to operate a home-based business the home-owners policy should be considered. Most home-owners policies don't cover business equipment or property. However, it is best to contact an agent to find out exactly what the policy will cover and then decide about additional coverage that might be needed. To determine small business insurance needs an agent will probably need to know what type of business is being operated out of the home.

One of the top considerations regarding protection against accidents to people and property is general liability insurance. This coverage will generally cover liability against products sold, services rendered, or any liability incurred through daily operations. A general liability policy should cover injury or damage situations. However, it may not cover on-the-job injuries to employees, operations of vehicles on company business, performance on professional services, and environmental issues.  For more information, visit: http://www.christianet.com/articles/

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ChristiaNet.com (http://www.christianet.com), the world's largest Christian portal with twelve million monthly page loads, receives around one million visitors per month and has 400,000 email subscribers who have access to an online shopping mall, job bank, Biblical and life application resources, free ecards, Christian blogs and friendship communities.