Dallas, Texas, 7/18/2007 10:55:56 PM
News / Business

nanoTX'07 Exhibitor gets Navy Contract

Humanoid Robot Vendor Featured at nanoTX’07 is Awarded Naval Academy Contract

Humanoid robot vendor KumoTek, LLC, a major exhibitor at nanoTX'07, has been awarded a contract to provide 50 Robotis Bioloid humanoid robot kits to the U.S. Naval Academy.  The Bioloid is a versatile robot kit capable of being configured into numerous shapes, such as dogs, spiders and snakes.  It will be used for classroom instruction.

This is a significant milestone in the educational robotics industry, as robotics instruction has begun to gain prominence in multiple academic disciplines, including computer science, mechanical engineering and software programming.

KumoTek will be exhibiting the latest in humanoid robot technologies at the nanoTX '07 International Nanotechnology Conference & Expo at the Dallas, Texas, Convention Center, October 3-4.  “We are excited to have these very breathtaking robotic exhibits at nanoTX’07,” said Ashley Cockerill, Event Coordinator.  “In combination with Hanson Robotics these two are drawing more interest and attention than we are used to for single themed exhibits.  They are spectacular.”  A glimpse of humanoid robots to be seen at nanoTX’07 can be viewed at www.nanotx.biz  

Robot markets
Many robotics companies, including KumoTek, are reporting revenues 3 to 10 times higher for quarters one and two of 2007 than for all of 2006 combined.

A growing number of robotics clubs at high schools and universities are now engaged in advanced robotics research and development. Additionally, colleges are adding robotics courses to their undergraduate computer science and engineering departments. Some colleges are actively raising funds for opening full-scale robotics departments.

According to the RoboCup Federation, attendance at conferences and robot competitions is up across the board; almost doubling over the past two years. RoboCup is an international joint project to promote AI, robotics, and related fields. The ultimate goal of RoboCup is to develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots by 2025 that can win against the human world champion team in soccer. Competitions such as RoboCup are now attracting spectators and competitors from across world.

KumoTek provided critical support as a participating member of this year’s winning RoboCup team from Japan, Team Osaka.

About KumoTek
KumoTek's CEO is Matt Fisher, a veteran of the U.S. Navy and graduate of the University of Richmond with a degree in International Business and Marketing. He is also fluent in the Japanese language.

Tom Fisher, a graduate of Texas Tech University, is KumoTek's business manager. He is an experienced programmer and a combat veteran of Vietnam, having served as an Army field artillery officer.

KumoTek is based in Lewisville, TX, and also operates through an Internet web store, www.roboporium.com.

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nanoTX'07 Exhibitor gets Navy Contract

The ultimate goal of RoboCup is to develop a team of fully autonomous humanoid robots by 2025 that can win against the human world champion team in soccer. Competitions such as RoboCup are now attracting spectators and competitors from across world.

KumoTek provided critical support as a participating member of this year’s winning RoboCup team from Japan, Team Osaka.

About KumoTek
KumoTek's CEO is Matt Fisher, a veteran of the U.S. Navy and graduate of the University of Richmond with a degree in International Business and Marketing. He is also fluent in the Japanese language.

Tom Fisher, a graduate of Texas Tech University, is KumoTek's business manager. He is an experienced programmer and a combat