New York, NY 2/14/2010 6:44:24 PM
News / Education

Obama and Columbia College plead not guilty

With Dr. Manning's latest Columbia video release, he opines, "Columbia will plead not guility."

AGJ Press Release logo With Dr. Manning's latest Columbia video release, he opines, "Columbia will plead not guility."

When the dust settles and the world finally knows the truth about Obama and his jaunts through Hawaii, Indonesia, and Kenya with stops along the way at Columbia, Occidental and Harvard...

The old saying, "the bigger they are the harder they fall," comes to mind. Just how big do you have to be to pass off a lie and get away with it?

The Columbia-Obama Treason Trial starts May 14th in Harlem, NY. Be there...

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Release Date: February 14, 2010
Distribution: International
Restrictions: reprint permission granted, royalty free, copyright as to content
Tags: American Grand Jury, Dr. James David Manning, Atlah Ministries, Columbia Trial, May 14th, Obama fraud, Columbia fraud, Harlem, Atlah, New York

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