Los Angeles 2/16/2010 8:38:20 AM
News / Education

How does the second amendment really fight tyranny in the 21st century?

Liberty Author and columnist urges the repeal of gun laws as a necessary plank on a 2010 liberty platform.

John Longenecker's overall mission is to see safer streets, and he doubts they will come without official affirmation of who is the sovereign in this country: the electorate. Longenecker shows how gun control has been a vanguard for America’s boondoggles all of the country is now experiencing as one people, gun owner or not.

Longenecker’s core message has always been that the health of the Second Amendment is the primary indicator of the overall health of the nation, and he reveals encyclopedic instalments of just how and where in his regular online column at Examiner.com

Longenecker, a Los Angeles Paramedic by training, saw his share of criminal shootings, and asked where all the self-defense shootings were. Today, he believes that gun laws had been the probe to test how much America’s most vociferous defenders of freedom would tolerate. But the one thing statists didn’t count on was how gun owners are pro-law and order, including holding a profound patience with due process. "This tolerance gave the statists a wrong impression, one of weakness," Longenecker says. "And now, statists believe they can foist anything down America’s throat."

Can they?

The repeal of all gun laws is the key to unwinding tons of unwelcome, costly, unneeded programs based on crime, violence and national security, Longenecker asserts. And he urges 2010 candidates to make it a plank on a new liberty platform as integral to smaller government promised with every succeeding freshman Congress.

But Longenecker doesn’t urge making the issue at gunpoint: "It’s all about counterpoint, he says, "and credibility. You don’t take guns, then in the void left behind, point to violence and newer mandates every single year as the government's crisis solution. No need to ask about that!"

Longenecker makes the case for families in Safe Streets In The Nationwide Concealed Carry Of Handguns as he lays out refreshing new issues and solutions for every head of household. Safe Streets is the only second amendment book on the Dr. Laura Family Reading Corner catalog. Publisher Contrast Media Press says, "A refreshing new take on safe streets."

"No more unending, unreasonable sacrifices for the country, no more mandates," says Longenecker. "From now on, Americans make only one sacrifice."

As families, many citizens might be interested to learn just how reducing all the sacrifices to one sacrifice would actually feel.

Safe Streets is now available on a 2 GB USB Flashdrive with new content and added features.