An overwhelming problem has surfaced within Evangelical Churches that affects Christians everywhere. The presence of sex offenders in the church must be dealt with and is not to be taken lightly. Clay Jones, founder and president of Second Glance Ministries, in alliance with, are working towards informing the Body of Christ about societal issues that plague the church today. Clay Jones in a second interview with Bill Cooper, President of ChristiaNet, said, "You would be shocked to know the number of sexual incidents in the church that have been ignored or covered-up in the last ten years." (
Some of these incidents include sexually oriented crimes. Many of these crimes are happening within the church and according to Jones, "At times the cover-ups have been calculated and extraordinary in nature." Acting as if nothing is happening is not an option when it comes to protecting our families and loved ones. The enemy would like to cripple the Body of Christ by allowing secrets to keep us in spiritual bondage.
One of the major problems that Christians need to address is the presence of juvenile and adult pedophiles within the church. Jones says, "During one of my recent visits to a major city I heard reports about pedophiles in four prominent churches I visited." Jones told Cooper, "The stories I hear like this are too numerous to remember. The biggest problem we face is churches don't have policies and procedures in place that mandate how sex offenders can safely interact with us and how we safely interact with them." During the interview Jones told Cooper about the release of Sex Offenders Management Guidelines on the 2nd website that churches can use to help them establish policy to protect their congregation. Cooper replied, "I believe that all Christians should download and read these guidelines."
Second Glance Ministries and ChristiaNet are glad to partner together on these types of efforts. continues to remain committed to providing a safe environment on the Internet for blogging and discussions. Second Glance Ministries provides a 3-part series that deals with sexual purity in the church that will help people deal with any sexually oriented issues that they might face. Second Glance services are free and recipients may remain anonymous. You can download a copy of the new sex offender guidelines at
ChristiaNet, Inc.