Countryside, IL 2/18/2010 12:47:23 PM
News / Business

Advanced Lighting Systems is Green Certified

LED Lighting offers a Retrofit Green Solution

Every business should seek Green business certification, but it pays to do it tight.  One of the big hindrances for corporate Greening is the costs involved in the renovations required to make the environmental transition.  The promised savings can be somewhat obscure and the return on investment can take ten or more years to be realized.

One of the obvious ways to lower energy bills and make a serious improvement is to replace the lights in the facility.  Improving the lighting system has three pieces: replacing the fixtures, the labor to take out and replace the fixtures, and the new bulbs that require less electricity.  The bulbs are the least expensive of the energy-saving systems.

Advanced Lighting Systems offers a breakthrough concept that every business must consider.  If an existing lighting system could be retrofitted with new bulbs, the larger cost of these improvements would cost a fraction of the normal renovation costs.  The smaller cost allows the savings to be quickly realized from significant energy savings.

Advanced Lighting System does more than provide LED and induction lighting systems.  Recently, ALS has earned sufficient Green Points for Green business certification.  The Green Business League conducted an audit of the operation of ALS finding a number of Green practices already in place.  Other Green suggestions brought ALS to more than 100 point, qualifying for certification.

Odd as it may seem, there are numerous companies offering Green products that do not operate as a Green business.  This is both hypocritical and ridiculous.  It is a matter of Green ethics that walks the walk as well as talk the talk.  Advanced Lighting System is a Green business in practice offering an exceptional line of Green products for the lighting systems for any business.

Green Business League offers the only Green business certification that can be respected nationwide.  Unlike many Green certifications that can be bought for a fee over the Internet, a GBL Green business certification is the product of a live audit and actual verification of Green practices that abolishes any form of greenwashing.